Bringing Clients to Your Door  
Buyer and Seller Referrals
Renters make up 33% of the total households in America,
20%, or about 7 million, will either purchase or build a home at the end of their lease.
Referrals to Real Estate Professionals
MYM Solutions offers lead generation, marketing, and business development solutions to help Real Estate Companies generate increased profits. Our goal is to help you monopolize your market and become the dominant force in the Real Estate Industry in your area.

New Lead Sources and Traffic Generation
To help you attract new customers and new business, we've developed services and solutions to differentiate your company from both local and national competitors and bring in new sources of leads.
  Contracted Lead Sources
Once you become a member of MYM Solutions, we immediately direct our contracted lead sources exclusively to you.
  Route 121 - Our Relocation Portal
Your company becomes the featured provider of Real Estate services on our relocation portal, Route 121 (, and on our national and regional affiliated websites. Learn More about Route 121
  Search Engine Placement
We provide comprehensive keyword campaigns and search engine strategies to promote your services through all of the major search engines (Yahoo!, MSN, Lycos, Altavista, Google, AOL...etc.) bring traffic to you. MYM Solutions pays for all search engine advertising.
  Referral Programs
We help introduce Referral Programs targeting Apartment Communities, Relocation Companies, Home Builders, and our Member Locator and Real Estate Companies. Special emphasis is placed on referrals from our member Apartment Locator Service in that market.
  Special Need Programs
Many potential home buyers have special needs requiring a higher level of assistance, including the elderly, individuals with disabilities, first time home buyers and clients relocating from other countries. We introduce specialized programs and sources targeting those prospects.
Lead and Client Management
Our systems contain automated prospect capture, marketing, and follow-up tools to effectively manage each prospect online. All programs, processes, and offerings are fully documented.
  Full Client Contact Information
The customer's email address, phone number, preferred contact method, and all details about their specific criteria are emailed to you and are also available online through our web-based, password-protected account management program.
  Lead Pre-qualification
To improve the quality of leads generated, and reduce time spent with poorer quality leads, all leads can be pre-qualified and validated based on your criteria.
  Contact Management Solutions
We provide access to an advanced online prospect management system that streamlines how agents track, cultivate, and build profitable relationships with their customers. A contact "tickler" proactively reminds you when it's the right time to check in with each lead.
With built-in auto-responders you never have to worry you didn’t get back to a lead promptly. A customized automated message is sent to each lead with your name and phone number as well as a nice opening message stating you’ll be in touch with them shortly.
  Automated Farming Tools
Our built in automated marketing features are customized to an individual lead's renting timeframe and status. You can assign easy to use marketing campaigns to your leads to help create a pipeline of current and future business.
  Online Tracking and Reporting
All lead and client data is accessible in real-time online. Online reporting and statistics help you track each prospect and evaluate the performance of any agent, traffic source, or customer service strategy.
Business Development Tools
Our advanced lead generation programs, powerful prospect management tools, professional coaching, and market support provide practical solutions to many of the most common challenges faced by all Real Estate Companies and agents.
  Winning Strategies
We provide our experience, best practices, strategies, and tactics on a wide range of topics in our Winning Strategies section to help you increase your success. Material is drawn not only from our own experiences but from other successful Real Estate Professionals and members. As we find things that work, we pass them along to you.
  Marketing Tools and Plans
We provide valuable marketing tools including professionally written email campaigns, farming campaigns, and follow up scripts. You can also access marketing checklists and tested creative marketing ideas and strategies to help improve your marketing effectiveness.
  Forms, Manuals and Procedures
We offer complete manuals, forms, and checklists on all aspects of handling Home Buyer and Seller referrals and converting them into closed deals.
  Agent Training and Certification
We know just how tough it is to be a Real Estate agent, and especially how difficult it is to take leads and turn them into closed tarnsactions...that’s precisely the reason why we developed our training and certification course. The course offers agents the ability to take control over the rapidly changing online environment and turn our leads into profitable transactions. We offer complete training and service-monitoring designed to provide the highest level of service.
  Personalized Help, Coaching and Workshops
We offer professional coaching, training, and seminar opportunities to refine existing skills, master best practices, and maximize productivity and earnings. Our experienced representatives are available to discuss any challenges you might encounter. We will also travel to you to conduct seminars and workshops for your agents.
Additional Revenue Generators
Are you interested in maximizing the revenue generated from your company and clients? We offer several options to help increase revenues at no additional cost:
  Other Relocation Related Services
You can become a one-stop source for relocation-related services. We offer a suite of services that can be added to your existing website or offered to existing clients. Services include moving, utility connection, insurance, and more. When your client uses any of the services you’ll receive a commission. All systems, services, and payments are handled and monitored by us.
Are you ready to join us? Get Started
To learn more about the services we offer click here.
Copyright 2005, MYM Solutions, Inc.